OPPORTUNITY : Wait or Seek

OPPORTUNITY : Wait or Seek

The inspiration for this post came from today’s experience at work.

The normal adage seems either one of the following:

  • Be ready when opportunity comes knocking
  • Opportunity does not knock twice

Today, I did the complete opposite. I have been targeting a certain country for purpose of expansion. Today, instead of waiting for opportunity to come knocking, I unconsciously went knocking on opportunity’s door instead. Yes I did. So what happened thereafter?

Surprisingly but happily the door opened, though not wide but sufficient for me to squeeze a toe in between :D. Translated, we made progress which would not have been possible had I stayed passive (wait) instead of go knock.

Heck, let’s go the distance. Go knock. If knocking on opportunity’s door does not open it, bash it, break it down…..either way just make sure it opens for you.

So there you go. Remember – proactive pays better than passive in terms of opportunity.

Call Me Spongebob Nick

Call Me Spongebob Nick

For now you can call me Spongebob #NickG. Not since the day I started my 1st biz that I’ve felt this amount of energy, passion, excitement, craziness.

Entrepreneurship is a marathon, not a sprint. Thru the journey, the ups & downs, we get tired, distracted, etc. In a common scenario, sometimes unknowingly we will hit a plateau or worse, digress.

Hence, always check yourself. Check your mindset. Check your emotions. Check your energy.

Am very blessed to report that I am back to the basics….my origin where I am learning everything with super ease and everything is possible. I can even walk thru a wall! The No is replaced by the How. My brain and heart is driving me crazy.

This is my 2nd wind…..and I am enjoyyyyyying it.

Crowning Glories

Crowning Glories

Titles…..from status related titles to beauty queens to bla bla bla.

Awards…collectors of awards, an unending stream of awards.

Celebrity…to be associated as as socialite, rich, famous, popular.

Public Figure…want to be gazed and adored by the masses.

Looking at the above…..just what does it all mean.

  • What is the value of it all?
  • What is the purpose of it all?
  • Who benefits from it all?

Not too long ago, as someone who was unfamiliar with these all, I too was very tempted to pursue all of the above. Why? Perhaps it is wanting to be a ‘somebody’, wanting to feed the ego or because it gives significance to who I am.

Now that I am in this “circle”, things look rather anti-climax. Are the title holders, awards recipients, celebrities, public figures all they are made up to be or thought of? Respectfully I say, there are undoubtedly many who deserves it and is leveraging on their position of ‘privilege’ to do good for the community, I cannot think likewise of the many others.

Gone are the days where Titles, Awards, Public Figures, Celebrities…..are earned through hardwork and significant contributions. These days, money speaks! Yes, let me repeat. Money speaks. If you are willing to spend a few hundred to multiple thousands, you will get an express elevation to that ‘status’.

Question — where is the value of these all????? Bought instead of qualifying and receiving on merit. Sigh.

A number has asked questions like why am I not having a title, why not receive more awards, etc. Simple – I just do not see the importance of actively pursuing these crowning glories. My value and significance is not determined by the titles and awards. Some of the richest people and also people who gives back significantly to the community are without any titles, awards, media appearances, etc. Yet they live a life full of meaning and impacting people around them positively everyday.

Look at facebook. Have you not realized the big increase of people converting their status to “public figure”?  *shake head* …..for what I may ask.

Being an unknown person is not a sin nor is it a shameful thing. My creator created me to be me…..that’s it. Simple me. My value and significance comes in the love I receive from my loved ones and blessing the community around me.

Pursuing these “crowning glories” may seem exciting to many. But in my opinion, it is also a baggage. To have to keep adding these glories to ensure we live a happy life (so we think) and make us continually look good to others….is a tiring thing. When will it end? When will it be enough?

So does this mean I will reject titles, awards, status…..? No. If it is a blessing from my Jesus, I will gladly accept it because I know I have earned it, not bought it. I receive it because not for my own benefits but so that I can use it to benefit others. But if I never receive any ‘crowning glories’ from hereon for the rest of my life….so be it. I am grateful for the blessings that I have received and is receiving in all it’s different forms.

Don’t Lose the Groove

Don’t Lose the Groove

Grooooooovy! Yeah, I enjoyed an excellent productive period when I was in the groove. Months passed….and unexpectedly (or ignorantly), I hit a speed bump mentally and physically.

I supposed I may have forgotten to go for my pit stops during my “groovy” period and coupled with some unexpected circumstances, that contributed to my speed bump. Losing my groove was tough. Lost my jive, creativity, energy, etc etc etc. Sigh!

Being the stubborn (sometimes) person that I am, well, I guess it took this “bump” to slow me down and go for my pit stop….a slightly longer one than anticipated. Being on such a high tempo for so many months consecutively, it took quite a big effort to just chill. Managing this down time was a real challenge and I had to learn to live with it.

The early days was ok…then it followed up with frustrations and restlessness. For you high performance folks out there, you would understand. Still my mind and body was having none of my attitude! It’s almost my mind and body telling me to go ahead with whatever I want to do, just leave them out of it. Oh oh 😦

No point being rebellious about it, so just embrace the down time and manage myself better. At least I do not add on to the frustration. Wakakaka. And learn to laugh while I am at it 😀

Few days ago, I thot I was recovering and was ready to drive out of the pit stop at top speed….then my engine stuttered. Arrrrrgh! Back to the pit stop. More waiting and down time. Tick tock tick tock! Reminding myself at all times to smile, laugh, rest, etc.

Today am feeling the signal that am ready to leave the pit stop. This time, am being wiser. Gonna leave the pit stop casually before gradually increase speed and momentum. So far so good…..easy does it 😀

See ya’all soon at F1 race track aka life!





The PERFECT boss. Wauzers! Won’t it be a dream come true (according to the minds of employees).

Wake up! There ain’t no perfect boss(es)….only bosses who think so of themselves. Hey bosses, yeah you….reality is we are all flawed. The matter is the degree of our flaw. In my opinion, bosses who think of themselves as perfect, are likely the most irritable, short tempered, unrealistic, etc. individual.

There is only one ever PERFECT being….past, today and tomorrow. That is our GOD!

So let us all just wake up and stop playing God. We are mere human beings….mortals….flawed from the day we are born. We can minimize our flaws but never be perfect. Bosses, just as you cannot find the perfect employee, neither can you ever be the perfect employer.

“PERFECT” bosses are often identifiable by…

  1. Super high regards of oneself, often characterized by words like “why can’t they be like me”
  2. Employees are somewhat insignificant
  3. Tendency to command instead of communicating
  4. Has sharp tongue (often condemning and critical) and blocked ears (never listens)
  5. Lonely

All said and done, our office need not be a battleground between boss and employees. Our battleground out there….in the marketplace. Our office outta be place of acceptance, motivation, recharging, etc.

Let’s make ALL our days a little better by

  • Accepting each other as we are
  • Focusing on each other’s strength, rather than flaws
  • Communicate Communicate Communicate
  • Employers and employees is a team (don’t deny this). We are a team. Team means each of our strength helps to cover each other’s flaw.




Mountain Before Me

FeaturedMountain Before Me

Ever stood before a magnificent mountain and be at awe of it….thinking how big, how strong, how big it is? It would seem almost unconquerable.

We would individually have an encounter with a “mountain” one time or another in our lives. Is your reaction one of an adventurist or defeat? Dude, we are talking about a mountain, not an ant hill. Yeah, I heard that before. Rather my mind has said that to me many times before. Then what???

  • Yes, the mountain is BIG … Fact!
  • Yes, the mountain seems insurmountable … Fact!

But what are also facts are…

  1. There is more than one way to tackle a mountain — over it / beneath it / around it / through it / etc
  2. Conquering mountains give us a greater sense of accomplishment than an ant hill
  3. Conquering mountains may seem a harder task … requires discipline, belief, tools, time, resilience, etc.

Conclusion is, mountains can be conquered! They are there to be conquered! The question to ask oneself when facing a mountain is not “if” but “how” then proceed to doing it!

There is no time for pity-party. The sooner you get onto it the sooner you conquer it.

So what is your mountain today???

Wall *Whack*

Wall *Whack*

Conviction has driven me the past many months, accomplishing much to my surprise and satisfaction. Am most grateful for the breakthroughs. However, I have come to a realization that it is not possible for a human being, machines included to be performing at max level without needing a break or “service” period.

Of late I feel like my machine aka mind and body has hit a wall! Yes, wham! As much as I tried to push on….kinda like driving over a road hump, it is not possible. I hit a wall! All circumstances accumulated, biz and personal has had my mind and body shout “enough!”

So what are my options now?


So am listening to my mind and body. Taking things easy. Not gonna put too much stress or pressure on myself. Just gonna go for a stroll, not stop completely, but a stroll. Once the break or service period is over, will be able to go full speed ahead again.

Sometimes we are too ignorant of our body and mind that we stubbornly push on…..until we breakdown. The consequences can be bad… So wisdom dictates we be exercise common sense and pace ourselves until we are ready to fly again.

As someone famous once said, I will be back 😀


Wow…Congratulations! The first sentence anyone is expected to utter when someone we know receives an award. To me, there is sometimes a second sentence….”So how much does this cost?”. LOL. Yeah, thot about it many times but never really asked. Will be stepping into dangerous grounds if I do.

If you are familiar enough with the marketplace, you will be well aware that there are dozens of awards of all sorts from countless number of organizations being offered to individuals/companies/brands….at a price 😀

I myself have been offered….errr…..sorry I lost count but have rejected them all. My belief is that if I do not qualify on merit then no awards for me. Anyway awards are not a necessity. It is good as encouragement but to many it is an ego-booster.

There are 3 types of awards in the market…

  1. Qualify on merit
  2. PR awards
  3. Awards for sale (shhhhhh!)

In my opinion, option 1 is best. Option 2 can be considered (upon careful consideration of the terms). Option 3 is a strict NO-NO.

The weird thing is that so many people in the market opt for option 3 then they proceed to broadcast it over social media. Well….congratz to them. Good thing not too many know about this….or do they. Cannot help but feel it’s becoming a norm. Want an award? Buy one. Yes, it’s that simple.

Am not trying to judge who’s right and wrong. Merely felt the need to voice my opinion.

But a word of thought to those who has or is intending to buy awards….know that some of us know. It does not really do your reputation any good to be known as one who buys, not earns the award.

Above thoughts are shared strictly without prejudice

The Underdog

The Underdog

14 years of grace and faith…one day at a time. From the initial years of scorning, mockery, helplessness, confusion, etc, I have by His grace grown and evolved to be who I am today.

Recently was invited to be a speaker, sharing the platform with 4 others established entrepreneurs/speakers, leaders in their respective industries. It is a humbling and encouraging experience.

I have spoken and shared in various places to a variety of audiences on topics ranging from entrepreneurship to my company to industry BUT I have never shared with anyone about my journey. So when the invite was received this round, I was given a free hand to decide on the topic. As I was pondering on the topic, I felt an impression upon my heart….#TheUnderdog. I felt led to speak and share about my journey….from day one, from our house’s dining table when everything started. So I did. Am very glad that I did because at the end of the session, many came to me and said they were encouraged.

It is a tad too long for me to share my contents here but being an underdog, it made me who I am today and helped me to mature. I close with the same remarks I made in my talk that day…

It is ok to start as an underdog, but never end as an underdog

People may look down on you, but you never look down on yourself

TUNNEL Vision. TUNNEL Emotion

TUNNEL Vision. TUNNEL Emotion

Had experience on numerous occasions speaking to tunnel vision people. Frusrating it may be, but bearable. BUT when it comes to tunnel emotion people….well, let’s just say even one time is once too many.

Tunnel emotion people are simply too emotionally narrow, limited, easily offended. All they tend to see or feel is negativity. They are not able to comprehend the fact that even a coin has 2 sides and do not bother to try to understand the other side of the story.

For one to grow and mature emotionally, mentally, spiritually and even as an employer/employee, we cannot afford to have tunnel vision, especially tunnel emotions. It is a tremendous baggage that will hold us back….perhaps make a few enemies (not by others but us making enemies of others).

Life offers us choices. If we are given the freedom to choose, why can’t we choose wisely? The answer is obvious. Taking the path of “I am like that” is just a lazy excuse.

So guys and gals, life is short. Let’s not make excuses not to be a better person. Choose to be the better person!